Screen grab from a video showing university students protesting in Tehran on Monday

Coverage Of Nationwide Protests In Iran On September 26

Monday, 09/26/2022

Amid an internet shutdown for mobile phones in many locations, reports and videos did trickle out from Iran, showing protests in many cities and towns.

Students in many universities have announced a strike until all students arrested since last week are not freed and authorities do not resume normal classes and lectures. Universities suspended in-person classes last week, to reduce student presence on campuses and chances of large protests.

Reports and a few images received Monday evening show that there were protests in Tehran, Sanandaj in western Iran, Tabriz in northwest, and Mashhad in the east. It is entirely possible that as in previous nights there are also protests in other cities, but the internet disruption delays news and images being posted on social media.

Some protesters and activists are calling for industrial and commercial strikes to paralyze the government, but so far only teachers have announced a strike. Some voices say that without general strikes and around-the-clock protests it is not possible to topple the regime, an outcome most are pursuing.

Most protesters also do not take their cell phones with them because in case of arrest these will be confiscated and any text or image stored could be used against a detainee to prove subversive activities.

We ended this live coverage at 01:00 Tehran time on Tuesday




A large group of young protesters marching through the streets of Tehran on Monday night, although we do not have the exact name of the area or district. The crowd is chanting, "Iranians ready to die but not accept humiliation."


In the traditionally conservative city, Yazd in central Iran, protesters are chanting that Khamenei's son Mojtaba will never succeed his father. Recently there have been rumors that the Supreme Leader's son is being groomed to succeed his father.


A large crowd is chanting, "We do not want the Islamic Republic," in Babolsar, norther Iran, Thursday night.


In some cities protests are calm and there is no gunfire by security forces. In Marivan in Kordestan Province, western Iran, a large crowd has gathered on a main square and seemingly there are no riot police.

Security forces are firing with military weapons in Kermansha, western Iran on Monday to disperse protesters.


People honking their car horns in Sanadaj, western Iran as peotesters begin coming out into the streets on Monday.



Protests in Narmak, a district of eastern Tehran. Protesters chant "Death to the dictator," in reference to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei who has been in power since 1989.


After protests by university students in Tabriz on Monday, demonstrations began in the evening in the streets. Authorities began firing at protesters as can be heard in this video.


Here is another video from Tabriz showing protesters running away as gunfire is heard.


A large protest in Ghoroveh, a town in the Kurdish region of western Iran Monday evening.

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