An undated photo showing special police units beating a woman in Iran

Coverage Of Nationwide Protests In Iran On October 2

Sunday, 10/02/2022

Protests resumed on Sunday after the busiest day of demonstrations both in Iran and abroad on Saturday, with parliament and IRGC officials trying to have a say.

The 17th day of nationwide protests began with the chief commander of the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) trying to sound conciliatory with the youth who have been the driving engine of the protests.

In a government ceremony, Hossein Salami said, “I like the youth protesting in the streets” and “they are my friends.”

However, by nightfall, security forces controlled by mainly by the IRGC surrounded protesting students in Tehran's Sharif University and at least 100 were arrested while many were beaten by security forces. Details are unclear and more will emerge in coming days.

While security forces linked with the IRGC have been firing at protesters for two weeks, Salami said, “When we defend, we defend for everybody’s sake, even for those who don’t like us because they have fallen victim to the enemy’s deceit and seduction. But we like them.”

In effect, the IRGC, which has so far not used overwhelming military force against the people, acknowledged the role of the younger generation – or Generation Z – in the protests.

Earlier, Iran International had noted that this generation seems fearless and free of traditional religious and social restrictive norms, demanding freedom after their parents endured four decades of an authoritarian Islamic rule.

Iran Human Rights group based in Norway said on Sunday that it estimated 133 protesters have been killed so far, although no final figures are available because the government never announces the real number of casualties or those arrested.

Members of parliament dominated by hard-liners held a session on Sunday and started chanting against "seditionists", and expressing gratitude to security forces.

The chairman of the armed forces general staff, Hossein Bagheri also pitched in saying that “Our university students should not be politicized, become partisan and get carried away with [political] currents.”

But these statements would hardly impress the protesters, who have seen the Islamic Republic politicize everything, even some minute details of people’s personal lives. All universities have loyalist Basij student groups, who control how other students dress, speak and act.

Students in several universities across the country continued their strikes and protests Sunday, which is a weekday in Iran, and high school students also joined civil disobedience, with removing their headscarves and shouting slogans in the streets, after leaving the school grounds.

There were protests in some parts of Tehran and Esfahan in daytime, as larger gatherings take place in the evenings and through the night.

Our coverage ended at 00:45 Iran time and covered more than 7 hours of events nationwide. Below are news and videos of those events.


Last update - Details of events in Sharif University remain unclear. What is certain is that many students were arrested and taken to a detention center although thousands of protesters rushed to streets surrounding the university and cars honked horns to try to prevent a tragedy, such as summary killings or physical violence. More details will emerge in the coming days.

The latest video below shows them being put on vans to be taken to prison.


UPDATE on Sharif University - Crowds hearing the news about students being surrounded and in danger on campus gathered outside the main gate of the university at around 22:00 local time. But reports say that security forces or vigilantes began attacking the dormitories. They were firing guns at the windows while students were in the dorms.

The video below gives a sense of the situation.

Another video showing security forces on motorcycles arresting people and students and taking them away. One security guy fires at the car that is recording the video.


A grave situation has developed in Tehran's Sharif university, where security forces boxed in hundreds of students into one part of the campus not allowing them to leave. As according to the law police or any armed force cannot enter a university, regime vigilante forces arrived and invaded the campus. The whole situation remains murky but reports say 100 students have been captured.

The video below shows the mayhem outside the university.


People shouting "Death to the dictator" and "Death to Khamenei" from their apartment windows in the Ekbatan district of Tehran.


Protesters have been on the streets in Kermanshah, western Iran, all evening and early hours of the night.


Protesters in the mainly Kurdish city of Sanandaj in western Iran are burning a billboard displaying a government message. The first protests on September 16 started in Kurdish areas, because Mahsa Amini, the woman who was killed in the custody of hijab police was an Iranian Kurd. Her death trggered the ongoing unrest.


Young protesters in the religious city of Qom are in a running back and forth with riot police on motorcycles in the streets.


Young people are walking in the streets and chanting in Shahrekord, a provincial city south-west of Esfahan.


Among all the clever slogans that resourceful Iranians have invented during the protests, the simple chant, "Death to the dictator" remains the most popular. Here, not far from Ali Khamenei's headquarters many are shouting the same slogan.


Protesters Sunday evening have gathered in Tehran near a main subway station chanting, "Death to the dictator", while the person sending the tweet says "Whatever you do, don't enter the station."


Iran Human Rights monitoring group based in Norway issued a report on Sunday saying 133 protesters are confirmed dead in the two-week-old nationwide protests. With lack of official figures by the government, it is not possible to be certain of the real toll.


Iran's security forces seem to be intensifying their crackdown on protesters. They managed to surround a group of students in Tehran's Sharif University, not allowing them out of the campus. They brought in overwhelming force and using shotguns to fire special shells with tiny pellets that wound people. Those injured are than arrested and taken away. Even some professors who were present on the campus were assaulted by security forces.

According to the law security forces cannot enter a university and as a result, eyewitnesses say plainclothes vigilantes might enter and the lives of students might be in danger. Already dozens have been arrested.

This is what the special shotgun shells do to people.


The regime reacts to protests by organizing counter-demostrations. This is one such rally in Ferdowsi University.


Protests took place in the Shahpur industrial area of Esfahan on Sunday, with demonstrators making fires to block roads.




Iran's ministry of communication announced Sunday that social media platforms Instagram and WhatsApp remain blocked due to the protests. Iran blocked these two popular platforms in mid-September in addition to cutting off internet service during most hours of the day. The government wants to prevent news and images of protests from being shared among the people and be seen around the world.


Students protest in the University of Kashan, central Iran, on Sunday.


We have verified the identity of this officer from Iran's Army Air Force (not IRGC), who is warning police forces not to harm civilians. According to one source who was his student in the past, he was arrested on Sunday, October 2 after issuing his brave message in a very straightforward tone. There have been two other similar videos by air force officers in recent days.

Many Iranians have called on the traditional army to stand on the side of protesters and defend them against attacks by a variety of security forces controlled by the IRGC. But it should be noted that top commanders of the army are mostly IRGC officers.


Schoolgirls after leaving classes for the day congregate in the street and burn their hijabs, chanting revolutionary slogans, incliding "Women, Life, Freedom", which has become the defining motto of the protests.


Schoolgirls protesting in Karaj, a large city 20 miles west of Tehran on Sunday.



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