A group of security forces waiting on a side street to confront protesters in a university in Iran

Coverage Of Protests In Iran On October 3

Monday, 10/03/2022

As Iran’s ruler Ali Khamenei was delivering a speech Monday dismissing nationwide protests, students in a dozen universities began rallying against his regime.

The Sunday attack by security forces and vigilantes on students at Sharif University in Tehran arresting dozens of young people angered students in other universities.

Protests were taking place on Monday in Mashhad University, the second largest city, in Esfahan, the third largest city and many other universities. Security forces attempted another assault against students in Tabriz university, similar to what they had done in Tehran the previous day.

The protest mood spread to schools where teenage girls started writing anti-regime slogans on blackboards and taking off their headscarves once they left the school grounds, protesting openly in the streets. Theis phenomenon is perhaps one of the biggest challenges for the regime as attacking children will enrage the whole population.

Khamenei in his speech dismissed all that, claiming that all the protests in more than two weeks were planned by the United States and Israel, a theory most Iranians who witness prevailing conditions find laughable.

No reports about street protests were received Monday night, which would not necessarily mean there were no demonstrations. The government has almost cut off all Internet acess in evening hours, making it very difficult for people to connect to social media.

There was also a revolt among football (soccer) players of major teams, including the national team, weeks before the World Cup in neighboring Qatar.

Some players were taken into custody and warned against any statements in support of the protests. Players of the most popular club Persepolis all were wearing black wrist bands at a game on Sunday as a sign of protest. The only palyer who was not wearing it missed a penalty kick against the rival team and Persepolis lost, in what some people called “poetic justice”.

This live coverage of events in Iran ended at 00:30 Iran time on Tuesday.


Iranian football (soccer) star Ali Karimi, who has become an icon for protesters and critics of the Islamic Republic, has tweeted addressing the armed forces.

"Hey soldier, what are you defending?"

“Are you defending rampant corruption? Are you defending the children of regime insiders who have emigrated to the West and are having a good time? Are you defending Iran’s humiliation and isolation in the world? Are you defending the poverty, prostitution, hunger, and misery among your fellow citizens?"



A journalist from Iran has commented on social media that regime supporters who were beating up people and attacking anyone who disagreed with their views, are now calling for "dialogue" to solve the crisis in Iran.




Nika Shahkarami, a young woam disappeared during protests in tehran on September 20 and later her body was found with a disfigured face. Security forces buries her in her home province of Lorestan, without informing her parents. In a video which is probably from the cemetary where was butied, her mother shouts. "Congratulations Nika for you martyrdom".


Baluch Human Rights group annnounced Monday that from September 30 until October 3, 67 civilians were killed and 300 injured at the hands of securiyt forces. They have published graphic photos that we will not post here.




Anti-riot and security forces have concregated near a university in tehran, ready to act against protesting students.


Women in a shopping street in the Kurdish city of Sanandaj have removed their hijab and are dancing in this video.


Oct 3 (Reuters) - Canada imposed fresh sanctions on Iran on Monday for alleged human rights violations, including the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old from Iranian Kurd who died while in custody of Iran's "morality police," the Canadian government said.

"These sanctions are in response to gross human rights violations that have been committed in Iran, including its systematic persecution of women and in particular, the egregious actions committed by Iran's so-called 'Morality Police,' which led to the death of Mahsa Amini while under their custody," the Canadian government said in a statement.

(A series of IRGC and other officials are lsited.)




Skype has made all calls to Iran free, considering that the govenrment is blocking access to the Internet.


Schoolgirls protesting in Karaj, a city 20 miles west of the capital Tehran. They were chanting "Death to the dictator".


During Monday, students protested in the University of Industry in Shiraz perhaps responding to calls by students of Sharif University in Tehran.


Protesters out in the streets in Tehran Monday afternoon, chanting "Death to the dictator."


University students in Mashhad, Iran's secong largest city and an important religious center, protesting on Monday.



Medical students in Bandar Abbas, a port city on the Persian Gulf, held a protest on Monday responding to calls by Tehran's Sharif University students.


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