Former US President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama

Obamas Express Solidarity With Ongoing Protests In Iran

Wednesday, 10/12/2022

Former US President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle have expressed solidarity with Iranian women and girls who have “inspired the world” through their protests.

The Obamas issued a statement Tuesday on the occasion of International Day of the Girl, saying they are "in awe" of those who have joined the reignited fight for women's rights in Iran. 

Condemning the clampdown on popular uprising sparked by the death in custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, they said, "The rights they seek are universal: equality, the ability to make their own choices about how they look and dress and express their identities, and the freedom to do so without facing harassment, intimidation, and violence.”

Addressing protestors, the Obamas said, "We are moved by your acts of protest, and bear witness to your bravery in facing down the brutality of a regime resisting calls for change. You are delivering a powerful message that injustice should not be tolerated."

They sympathized with those who have tragically lost loved ones and expressed hope that “the future will ultimately belong to the young women and girls of Iran who are refusing to be silent.”

“You remind us that true power comes not from clinging to the past, but from the effort to build a better future," they said. 

Earlier in the month, President Joe Biden said, “The United States stands with Iranian women and all the citizens of Iran who are inspiring the world with their bravery."

Amid a near total internet shutdown across Iran and government helicopters circling above Tehran on Wednesday, protests are going on.

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