A scene of protests in Tehran following the death of Mahsa Amini in hijab police custody

Leaked Document Reveals Charges Leveled Against Iranian Protesters

Thursday, 02/22/2024

A leaked document originating from Iran's judiciary servers has revealed detailed charges against 25 people allegedly involved in the Mahsa Amini protests.

Six of the accused are alleged to have been “preparing Molotov cocktails with intent to attack military and government centers,” while three others are charged with “collaborating with the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran” and allegedly threatening officials. Others are charged with possessing firearms.

Dated October 18, 2022, the document, leaked by the hacker group Edalat-e Ali, was addressed from the Counter-Espionage Deputy of the Ministry of Intelligence to the Minister of Interior, outlining charges against detainees spread across Iran.

In the wake of the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini while in the custody of Iran's morality police in September 2022, the nation experienced widespread protests. Reports indicate that within a matter of weeks, over 500 demonstrators lost their lives at the hands of the regime's security forces. Tens of thousands more were arrested and imprisoned, others sentenced to death.

Edalat-e Ali claims to have accessed millions of files and classified documents, subsequently making three million hacked judiciary files available on an open website, accessible for public scrutiny, which has since drawn massive interest at home and abroad.

It's the latest hacking scandal to hit the government in recent years, showing the country's vulnerability to cyberattacks at home and abroad, with experts warning the attacks will continue in spite of the regime's efforts to lock down internet freedoms. 

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